Make money by renting out your spare office space

List your unused office space for free and rent it out until you need it again.

make money image
successful renting
World's No 1. shared office marketplace since 2014
happy clients
75,000 happy clients across 25 countries
maximum earning
Our hosts have earned over $100M USD
top rated on google
Over 300 - 5-star Google reviews

What space can I list?

Save on rent by sharing your spare office space until you need it again one day.

Calculate how much you can make on your space

per month

Colleagues having a discussion on a lounge

How it works


Create your property and listings

With our listing wizard, it only takes 9 minutes to create your listings.


Meet your new tenants

We qualify the tenants and book your tours. You simply meet, greet and choose a tenant.


Finalize the deal

We help negotiate a great deal and sort out the paperwork, pricing and terms.

Some of the 75,000 trusted brands who we have helped find space.

trusted companies
trusted companies
trusted companies
trusted companies
trusted companies
trusted companies
EY Trusted Company
trusted companies
trusted companies
trusted companies
trusted companies
trusted companies

Common questions

Are there any fees?

It's free to list your spare office space on Office Hub. We only charge a fee when we secure you a tenant. The fee is either 10% up to 12 paid months for Flexible Workspaces or 1 month's rent for private companies sharing their space.

What type of office space can I list?

  • Coworking/Shared Desks - Rent your spare desks or coworking space to like-minded individuals.

  • Private Office Space - Got a spare office? Rent it out by the month or longer term.

  • Sublet Office Space - Downsized and have too much space, then share it and reduce your overheads.

  • Enterprise / Fitted Office Space - From an entire floor to a stand-alone building our team can fill it.

What facilities do I need to offer to share my space?

Surprisingly 90% of the workspaces we work with are ready to share their space. Our tenants' basic office needs are

  • Desk and Chair

  • Wifi, electricity and basic kitchen facilities

  • Shared meeting rooms

Collaborative communal areas, end of trip facilities, reception services, telephone answering, Parking, Pet Friendly, boardrooms / event space are all nice to haves but not mandatory.

Got a question? Call Mahalia!

It take's 10 minutes to build your space and get online