Shared Office Space Rules in a Post-Pandemic World
Here are the shared office space rules you need to follow to keep your offices spick and span while shielding people from COVID and other illnesses.
Bring In The Professionals
An empty office that's been standing vacant for months needs more than a quick vacuuming and wipedown, but possibly even a deep clean administered by the professionals.
A musty office doesn't just look and smell bad but might also pose a health risk among asthmatics and allergy sufferers.
Furthermore, having a deep clean sets you on the right foot for maintaining a sanitary office that people won't mind visiting, knowing their wellness is valued.
An empty office that's been standing vacant for months needs more than a quick vacuuming and wipedown, but possibly even a deep clean administered by the professionals.

Make Tenants Personally Responsible
It might not be one of the shared office space rules but is highly effective to ensure that the best care for your space. Cohabitation at the workplace can only be successful if office occupiers take responsibility for their actions, which means following the rules even if these are viewed as annoying or time-consuming.
Every person must adhere to the regulations outlined by the office space providers for the safety of everyone.
Have Well-signposted Areas
Everyone knows the rules for curbing the spread of COVID-19 but sometimes need reminding, especially with COVID fatigue setting in and people wanting a return to normal.
Erect signs around the office to jog people's memories about social distancing, cleaning work stations, washing hands, wearing masks and disinfecting after using shared amenities.
Everyone knows the rules for curbing the spread of COVID-19 but sometimes need reminding...

Have Disinfection Wipes Accessible
Store disinfectant wipes in accessible areas with the intention being that every desk user cleans up and sanitises the space for the next occupier.
Wipes should also be available to clean personal objects that are germ hotspots, including phones, keyboards, headphones, pens, office supplies and briefcases or rucksacks.
Ensure The Bathrooms Have Handwash
Post COVID it has become a part of shared office space rules to make handwashs available for the employees. Washing hands is the most basic form of maintaining personal hygiene. Unfortunately, we've all been in a position at one time or another at a public restroom where the soap dispenser is broken or empty.
In this day and age, none of us should be washing hands without slathering them in soap, which is why bathrooms in coworking spaces shouldn't run out of these essential cleaning supplies.
Furthermore, put up reminders about frequent hand washing in the bathroom and surrounding areas.
In this day and age, none of us should be washing hands without slathering them in soap...

Install Hand Sanitising Stations
Hand Wash is not enough as people don’t like wetting their hands all day so you got to have a sanitizer as well. A full compliance with the shared office space rules include installing hand sanitising stations in the front of the office, reminding those arriving at work to clean their hands. Considering some people take public transport or live with people who might have had contact with COVID-positive people, it's best to have these cleaning stations set up as a precautionary measure.
Office Etiquette Still Matters
No one can put all the guidelines in a book for “shared office space rules”. There are things you need to make your tennants relaize. Being holed up at home for many months, we've grown quite accustomed to working in ways that suit us. But being back in a collaborative workplace means reacquiring certain work etiquettes that we've potentially let fall by the wayside.
With workplaces operating again, people need to work together harmoniously, respect the space they're working in, and keep it tidy. Although a coworking space might be a professional's second home, it shouldn't be treated like one.
In other words, an office community should play their part in maintaining dirt and clutter-free spaces for everyone's enjoyment and benefit. After all, on top of promoting a germ-free area, a clean and tidy space is good for workplace satisfaction.
Dirty dishes shouldn't crowd around sinks, toilets should always be flushed, communal spaces shouldn't be littered with scraps or personal possessions, and fridges should be cleared out of old food to prevent sickness.
Be Tough On Offenders
We've reached a point in our battle against pandemic where we're tired of donning a mask or keeping our distance. It is also one of the understood shared office space rules to report offenders. In Australia, particularly with our COVID numbers lower than other countries, it's easy to forget about the coronavirus entirely.
However, to keep coworking spaces up and running, coworkers who try to flout or disregard the rules must be told their behaviours aren't acceptable.
Pay Special Attention To Communal Spaces
Cleaning all corners of office space daily, if not twice daily, is a must-do activity. However, communal areas require specialised attention because diverse groups of people meet up, relax, grab a coffee or prepare lunch here.
Although you might reduce traffic in the office by limiting seating areas, people are prone to touching countertops, kettles, door handles, bins, buttons on printers, elevators and coffee machines and more without giving the action much thought.
Make sure to disinfect areas that receive the most human contact thoroughly.
Implement Flexible Working And Staggered Work Routines
Research has shown that a return to the office is essential to mental health, morale, and keeping a company's spirit of togetherness alive. Additionally, some tasks are easier to perform in a professional environment than at home.
However, returning to an office with total occupancy rates isn't a good or safe idea, which is why employees' are being phased in. This means staff members' start times, breaks and finish times differ to prevent overcrowding in flex spaces.
Promoting flexible working is another option for reducing office occupancy to a safe level. Hybridised working, where employees work from home and at the office, is gaining traction fast and has several benefits, including eliminating the threat of offices stuffed with too many people at a time.
...returning to an office with total occupancy rates isn't a good or safe idea, which is why employees' are being phased in.

Only Plan Face-to-face Meetings When It Can't Be Avoided
We can all agree that brainstorming sessions and group projects work to an extent with teleconferencing but is a task performed more seamlessly and with less confusion and frustration in person.
However, don't schedule meetings if a call or an email will suffice.
Furthermore, involving all staff members in meetings for the sake of including them are bygone days. Involve only those who need to be in the room to avoid a cramming scenario.
In these enclosed spaces, have disinfectants and wipes freely available so that meeting-goers can protect themselves against germs.
Limit Sharing Equipment If Possible
Also put it into your shared office space rules book that employees must not share unless something is absolutely necessary.Shared facilities, like printers, should be used for specific reasons only, especially since everything is now done electronically.

Final Thoughts
These shared office space rules can also be helpful to stop other virally transmitted diesases. As the adage goes, now more than ever, it's health before wealth. Keeping the risks of spreading COVID-19 within a coworking space requires simple interventions, common sense, and office planning in advance.
The above-mentioned goes far to make sure workers are protected against the scourge of COVID-19 while setting up attractive, clean and tidy spaces.
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