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Refer a friend and earn Up to $1,000

Know someone who needs office space? Refer them and be rewarded with cash!

How it works
Submit your friend’s details and earn up to $1,000 when your buddy rents space through Office Hub or one of our workspace partners. To say thanks for your support, we’ll pay you 10% of your referred friend’s average monthly office rental up to a massive $1,000. As a complimentary service, your friend also wins as they will be rewarded with the best office search assistance in the industry from our award-winning team.
Submit your buddy's details here
Next steps
Next steps

Our award-winning team will contact your buddy and wow them with how we make searching for office space so easy. Our service is completely free for your buddy and there is no obligation for them to take space. We simply shortlist the options, book their inspections and go the extra mile to find them their perfect office space.

How we help people find office space
Refer as many friends as you want
Refer as many friends as you want

You can refer friends who are both looking for office space or who have office space to rent out. The more friends you refer, the more money you can earn, so spread the word about Office Hub and get ready to earn up to $1,000.

Refer a friend who has office space to rent
Buddy Bonus FAQs
Check out our FAQs about our Buddy Bonus Scheme and if you have more questions don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Anyone and everyone is eligible to refer a friend in the Office Hub buddy Bonus – that’s the beauty of it. No matter how you’ve heard of us or whether you’ve worked with us, we want to help you and your friends find the perfect office space. So submit your referral and we’ll do what we do best to help your buddy find an office space, and when they sign on the dotted line you’ll receive up to $1,000.
We’ll contact your Buddy to offer assistance with their office search – if you know Office Hub, you know they’ll get great service and personalised solutions as we make their search oh-so-easy. Of course, our service is completely free for them with zero obligation so if they decide to go another way, that’s all good. But if we can help them find their dream office space (which is often the case!), we’ll send you a thank you of up to $1,000 based on the rental rate of their new office space.
Your referred buddy must sign up to take office space through Office Hub on a lease of at least six months. They can least any sort of physical office space but you will not be eligible if they lease for a virtual office, temporary meeting/conference/training space or a lease of any length under six months.
Your referral counts as successful when your friend rents office space with Office Hub or one of our workspace partners for 6+ months. This can be any kind of physical office space for any amount of people. The Buddy Bonus does not apply to virtual offices, temporary space or any lease under 6 months. Your details will be recorded in the secure Office Hub system within your friend’s customer account and as soon as we reach a deal on an office space for them, you will be notified by email with confirmation of how much you have earned.
You will receive 10% of the value of your friend’s average monthly office rate up to the value of $1,000. For example, if they lease an office space at a monthly rate of $10,000, you’ll earn the full $1,000. When Office Hub has received the first required rental payment from your friend, you will receive your reward within 60 working days. Rewards are given in the form of visa giftcards.

Get help with your referral

Get in touch for help deciding the right scheme or to refer your friend over the phone