0 Person Virtual Office at 1 Queens Road, Melbourne


St Kilda Rd Towers

1 Queens Road, Melbourne, VIC, 3004

1 Queens Road(Vi-W-SEconomy Class-AUD 31pw-0ws-0sqm) logo
A$135 / month
25% OFF

was A$180/ month

25% off on 12 months
A$31 / week
25% OFF

was A$41/ week

25% off on 12 months
TBC / monthly
25% OFF

was A$∞/ monthly

25% off on 12 months

Quick Overview

The listing below is only $31 per week ($135 p/month), perfect for a team of 0 and comes fully furnished with flexible rental terms. The location is very central as the workspace is only a 20 min walk from Wesley Colleg...

20 minute walkWesley College
22 minute walkSouth Yarra Station
33 minute driveMoorabbin Airport (MBW)

Workspace Overview

St Kilda Road Towers is a modern and magnificent commercial building situated slap bang in the middle of the bustling St Kilda Road Business Precinct. Immaculate private offices, spanning across six floors, are available...

Workspace Features

  1. history24/7 Access
  2. wifiInternet - Cable and Wifi
  3. mailMail Handling
  4. meeting_roomMeeting Rooms
  5. cleaning_servicesOffice Cleaning Included
  6. deckOutdoor Public Space
  7. printPrinting Facilities
  8. phone_enabledTelephone Answering
  9. groupsCollaborative Public Space
  10. personReceptionist Available
  11. signpostSignage Options
  12. check_circleFurnished
  13. countertopsShared Kitchen
  14. boltUnlimited Electricity Usage
  15. storeStorage Available
  16. engineeringAdministration Support

Building Overview

Located on Queens Road in the heart of St Kilda Road business precinct and only minutes away from the Melbourne CBD, this centre offers a range of fully furnished offices for 1-20 people. Enjoy the services provided by t...

Building Features

  1. ac_unitAir Conditioning
  2. safety_checkAfter Hour Security
  3. personGround Floor Concierge
  4. accessibleDisabled Access
  5. elevatorHigh Speed Lift
  6. local_parkingCar Parking In Building
  7. local_cafeCafe/Retail in Building
  8. showerShower Facility Included

1 Queens Road, Melbourne, VIC, 3004

The advertised price unless otherwise stated is based on a 12 month agreement (shorter terms are available). The price is displayed as a "blended/average" rate of what an average term will cost when you factor in the promotional offer/discount for 12 months. The offer is conditional on availability of the space and it can be withdrawn at any point of time by the workspace owner. The advertised pricing excludes GST/VAT and any local taxes. The size of the space (if displayed) may factor in a percentage of common areas and the dedicated space in the calculation.
A$135 / month
25% OFF

was A$180/ month

25% off on 12 months
A$31 / week
25% OFF

was A$41/ week

25% off on 12 months
TBC / monthly
25% OFF

was A$∞/ monthly

25% off on 12 months